Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Healthy-ish treat and WOD


It's been a challenging day. It's officially been a week since my dad has passed away and I've been crying periodically and feeling really 'bleh' today (as expected). Whenever I've not been feeling quite up to par, I've typically gone and baked something (which isn't helpful when you have a difficult relationship with food). Today, I aimed to bake some sort of 'treat' with what I already had in my pantry and refrigerator.

I found one and a half zucchini and one frozen banana.
Not enough to make zucchini bread. Not enough for banana bread.

...but enough to make some kind of hybrid?

I went straight to the internet and found this recipe over at I Am Baker that seemed simple enough to adapt.

I don't eat gluten (because it invites cystic acne to camp out on my face and back, ick!) and figured now is as good a time as any to try out baking with Truvia. My version will be gluten free, dairy free, and 'sugar free' (I think).

It's currently in the oven and smells DELICIOUS, but it's not quite cooking as completely as I'd hoped it would. It's hard when the proportions are slightly different than what the recipe calls for, and it often results in a less-done middle. I've encased the edges in foil as  they seem to be quite done. This may turn out to be a fail, but at least I'll know what NOT to do for next time. :)

There will be an update on the bread. At some point later today or tomorrow.


I went straight from work to the gym this morning, and I was not feeling like working out. I mixed my pre-workout and walked inside (read: begrudgingly). And boy, am I glad I did! Something I have come to realize and am quick to remind myself of:

I have never regretted doing a workout. I have often regretted skipping a workout when I didn't 'feel' like it. 

I almost always feel better when I'm finished, regardless of how I felt beforehand. The sense of accomplishment and the endorphin rush is a guaranteed mood-lifter.

Today I focused on lower body and core, total time was about an hour and fifteen. After a warm up on the stationary bike, I got cracking:

Leg Press315190lbs
Calf Raises320-15-15225-240-255lbs
Incline Sit Up w/Twist31010lbs
Squat Matrix210eaResistance Band
Sit Ups215on Bosu
Full leg ext Donkey Kicks315Resistance Band
Fire Hydrants315Resistance Band
Bridges315on Bosu
Mod. cross-chop crunches310Resistance Band
Elbow Plank11:00on Bosu

I felt great when it was over! Tomorrow will be either upper body and core or circuit training....I haven't decided yet.

Any questions or comments? Let me know! Hope your workouts are going well!

Cheers! I'm off to finish dinner while listening to the Hamilton soundtrack on repeat.

Don't forget, you can follow me on snapchat at charbreaker.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Let's Try This Again.

So, here I am! Back and ready to consistently post. November was a bit crazy for me, as was December, January, through now. My father was diagnosed with stage IV Peritoneal Mesothelioma October 30, 2015. It was quite sudden, and my entire family was shaken by this devastating diagnosis.

He passed away five days ago.

In the last week, I've been binge eating and haven't worked out as consistently as I used to (granted, traveling between states will do that). So before I get too carried away, I've decided to get back on track. While I may be grieving, using it as an excuse to eat whatever I want will get me nowhere.

So, onward.

What am I doing? More or less what I was doing, with a few modifications, and a little extra support:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar. A few tablespoons every morning and every night before dinner. There's a lot about how this aids in digestion and can be helpful for weight loss, and while I'm not quite sure if that's conclusive, it seems to be a bit of an appetite suppressant for me, so I'll be using it. 
  • Incorporation of running. I currently do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) in addition to the stairclimber and stationary bike for cardio, but I have noticed running challenges me (probably why I don't like it) and want to incorporate it into some of my weekly routines. 
  • YOGA. I, like many other gym rats, do not stretch enough. I will admit I am AWFUL at remembering to stretch. I have gotten better, but not good enough. There's a class I've been to at my local gym, and I think it's time I become a regular. Stretching is such an important part of recovery!
  • Being more thoughtful about food. This is generally a given, but I am a mindless eater, which is often a recipe for disaster. I'm trying to verbally talk through my decision-making when it comes to food, as well as look for patterns when I am reaching for a sweet or salty snack. 
  • Participating in a challenge over at 3FC. While I'm not really tracking pound changes, I am looking for a few inches to come off and cutting muscle (swimsuit season is upon us). I highly recommend anyone looking for weight loss support to join this site; the members are from all walks of life and we're all looking to support one another as we try to reach our own goals. 

I typically strength train 3-4 days per week, focusing on upper body, lower body, and/or core on alternating days. I follow with cardio 2-3 of the those days, and then circuit train 1-2 days per week.

It's gotten me into the best shape of my life (so far) and getting fit has proven to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. 

I'll be back to log my workout tomorrow. If you're interested in post gym-selfies and other randomness...follow me on snapchat at charbreaker.
